中奎 发表于 2012-7-24 22:36:13

TightProjector/TightReceiver alternative for Pi

Is there the open source alternatives of TightProjector/TightReceiver (http://www.tightvnc.com/projector/)? TightProjector/TightReceiver only works on windows system. I want to find an alternative for the windows, MAC OS X and raspbian.

I connect the Pi to the projector. On my PC I can use the "TightProjector" to send out the screen data and on the Pi side, "TightReceiver" can receive the screen data then send to projector. So the projector becomes network projector.

迷你强 发表于 2012-7-24 22:46:44


迷你强 发表于 2012-7-24 22:48:14

貌似是个vnc软件,不过你直接使用sudu apt-get install vncserver 安装一个不就行了。。。还花钱买。。。

中奎 发表于 2012-7-25 20:30:31

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