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3D 打印机 Sprinter固件 READ ME 文件翻译

发表于 2013-5-29 13:12:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 ChunYong 于 2013-5-29 13:16 编辑

我的英语水平还没过4级啊,那里错了,欢迎指正!后面有英文原文……实在要是看不下去,回来 我就删了这个帖子……
{:soso_e118:} 最悲剧的是我自己做的3D 打印机安装了这个固件后,根本不会动……EN引脚电平有变化,控制STEP的脉冲用示波仪也看不到……默默看固件源码去了……{:soso_e105:}
    Sprinter固件的主要开发人员是Kliment, caru和midopple,当然其他人也提供了补丁等支持。
    这项工作是基于GNU GPL v3或更高版本的授权的。
    本固件基于Tonokips的固件修改而来,它是根据GPL v2或更高版本授权。
    配置文件现在有一个选项来设置想要的温度表文件。如果你从 老的版本中拷贝并粘贴到此版本,确保在配置中指向你复制的新的温度表。例如:#include "ThermistorTable.h"
    此外,你也可以针对加热头和加热床来使用不同的温度表。要做到这一点,在CONFIGURATION.H文件 中注释以下内容:
#define bedtemptable temptable
#include "BedThermistorTable.h"


如何给一台全新的Prusa Mendel更新固件程序呢?(一些细节上的东西可能和你所有的东西不一样,你自己要根据自己的情况来具体实施)

1,下载相关的软件(gcc-avr, avr-libc,等)【PS:这一部好像不需要吧】
2,下载ARDUINO IDE (ARDUINO 开发环境)   http://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software
3, 下载SPRINTER固件文件   https://github.com/kliment/Sprinter.git

2,生成。如果一切正常那么在Sprinter/applet/目录下会生成Sprinter.cpp文件。你可以忽略ARDUINO    的错误提醒-0023/hardware/arduino/cores/arduino/WString.o
5,在ARDUINO IDE中的【工具】选项中 选择 对应的串口号
6,在ARDUINO IDE中的【工具】选项中,选择对应的板卡类型
7, 在CONFIGURATION.H 文件中 找到下面这一行,并修改和你的电路相对应的参数(设置33 就是指用的     MEGA2560的板子)
     #define MOTHERBOARD 62 (62 表示使用的是SANGUINO的1.2版或更高版本的主控电路)
     float axis_steps_per_unit[] 在此参数中设置和您的硬件相匹配的值。对于特殊的齿轮挤出机的     Bath Masterclass Prusa Mendel机型,这些值是:
              float axis_steps_per_unit[] = {91.42857, 91.42857, 3200/1.25,700};
    同时做好这些硬件配置: const bool ENDSTOPS_INVERTING = false; //设置为TRUE,把限位开关的    逻辑关系反过来。设置为FALSE,是因为开关SIG信号是与GND相连的。开关没有被撞到时是闭路也就是信    号直接连接到GND。详细请看:http://reprap.org/wiki/Sanguinololu#Endstops
8,点击编译/校验按钮进行编译。如果一切正常,你就能看到类似 程序 的字节长度的信息。
9,点击下载按键(ARDUINO编程环境里的那个下载)上传固件,成功后会显示 "Done uploading"

你可以使用电脑上的应用程序 手动的移动各轴来校准物理位置、参数等进行调整!

The leading developers of Sprinter are currently Kliment, caru and midopple, though many others contribute with their patches.

This is a firmware for RAMPS and other reprap single-processor electronics setups. It supports printing from SD card, active heatbed control, and ATmega internal pullups.

This work is licensed under the GNU GPL v3 or (at the user's discretion) any later version.

It is based on Tonokips's firmware, which was licensed under GPL v2 or later.

WARNING: This version (April 19th, 2011) fixes a bug that caused speeds to be lower than what
    set in GCODE. So before attempting any print, you will have to check all
    your axis max speed, including the extruder retract speed. Not following
    this guidelines can seriously damage your printer.

The configuration file now has an option to set the wanted temperature table file. If you copy and paste a temperature file from older versions, make sure that the configuration is pointing to it. For example:
#include "ThermistorTable.h"

In addition, you can optionally use a different thermistor table for hot-end and bed. To do so, comment out the following lines in configuration.h:
#define bedtemptable temptable
Then add a line pointing to your second thermistor table, for example:
#include "BedThermistorTable.h"
Finally, make sure that the nozzle thermistor table, inside ThermistorTable.h in this case, is defined as "temptable" and that the bed thermistor table is defined as "bedtemptable", and that the number of temps is defined as NUMTEMPS for the heater and BNUMTEMPS for the bed.

There are examples of all these configurations in the configuration.h file. Please look at them before you change anything.

Complete beginners guide

From a fresh Ubuntu install how to update the firmware of your Prusa Mendel ?
(the specifics are for the Prusa Mendel built at the Bath RepRap masterclass.
This version uses the http://reprap.org/wiki/Sanguinololu.
Some details may not fit your hardware, be sure to check what you are doing)

Steps 3,10,11 are hardware-specific to the Sanguinololu and Bath Prusa and should be skipped or modified accordingly for other hardware such as the Arduino Mega 2560

Software installation

1. Install the required packages (gcc-avr, avr-libc, etc.)
  sudo apt-get install arduino-core

2. Get the arduino software version 0023, uncompress it in a directory.
Arduino software v1 has not been tested much, but is known to work with some boards.

3. Get the sanguino software, version 0023

follow the sanguino's readme so that your arduino hardware folder looks like

4. Clone the Sprinter git repository.
   git clone https://github.com/kliment/Sprinter.git
Optionally, switch to the desired branch
  git branch -a
  git checkout THE_BRANCH_YOU_WANT
Firmware compilation and upload

5. Edit INSTALL_DIR inside Sprinter/Makefile (do not mind the default reference to arduino 0022)

6. Run make. If everything goes well Sprinter/applet/Sprinter.cpp should have been created.
You can safely ignore the error message mentioning arduino-0023/hardware/arduino/cores/arduino/WString.o

7. Connect your Sanguinololu to your computer

8. Launch arduino-0023/arduino, open Sprinter/Sprinter.pde

9. Go to Tools -> Serial Port, and select the relevant option

10. Go to Tools -> Board, select Sanguino

11. Go to the Configuration.h file and edit the following lines:
   #define MOTHERBOARD 62
62 indicates Sanguino 1.2 or superior

  float axis_steps_per_unit[]

set values that match your hardware. For the special cast gears of the Bath Masterclass Prusa Mendel, these values are  
  float axis_steps_per_unit[] = {91.42857, 91.42857, 3200/1.25,700};

also for the mentioned hardware setup
  const bool ENDSTOPS_INVERTING = false; //set to true to invert the logic of the endstops
  // false because the switch SIG signal is linked to the ground
  // "no touch == closed circuit == SIG connects to GND"
  // see http://reprap.org/wiki/Sanguinololu#Endstops

12. Click on the "play" button to compile. If everything goes well you should see a "Binary sketch size: " message.

13. Click on "the arrow going to the right" button to upload (you had done steps 7,8,9 before, right ?).
If everything goes well you should see the message "Done uploading".

if GEN7 with 20 Mhz is in use set the Fuses for Bootloader to
lfuse= 0xF7 hfuse = 0xD4 efuse = FD
Brownout must be 2,7 V

Congratulations, you have just upgraded the firmware of your RepRap !

You can use pronterface.py to do some manual verifications by moving the printer's tip along
the axes and verifying that the physical displacements match the ones indicated on the interface.

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发表于 2013-6-4 22:59:03 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-6-22 17:17:38 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2014-7-11 14:42:57 | 显示全部楼层
另外如何将sanguino的程序改为mega 2560上使用?
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